
Publications in Peer-reviewed International Journals


Spring microbial eukaryotic diversity along the West Antarctic peninsula.

Grattepanche, J.-D., Wade, J. H., Gast, R. J., Sanders, R. W.

Front. Microbiol. 13:844856. IF 6.064


Editorial: Ciliates: Key Organisms in Aquatic Environments.

Liu, W., Fan, X., Jung, J.H., Grattepanche, J.-D.

Front. Microbiol. 13:880871. IF 6.064


Habitat specific foraminifera diversity identified with newly designed foraminifera-specific primer for amplicon analyses.

Thakur, R., *Collens A., Greco M., Sleith R.S., Grattepanche, J.-D., Katz, L.A.

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 69 (3):12913,IF 3.88


Invited Article:Ongoing speciation within the diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis in the Southern Ocean?

Grattepanche, J.-D.

Molecular Ecology 29:4754-4756. IF 6.622


High diversity of testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida) detected by HTS analyses in a New England fen using newly-designed taxon- specific primers.

*Ruggiero, A., Grattepanche, J.-D., Weiner, A.K.M., Katz L. A.

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 67 (4) 450-464, IF 3.88


Top-Down and Bottom-Up Controls on Microeukaryotic Diversity (i.e., Amplicon Analyses of SAR Lineages) and Function (i.e., Metatranscriptome Analyses) Assessed in Microcosm Experiments.

​Grattepanche, J.-D., and Katz L. A.

Front. Mar. Sci. 6:818. IF 5.247


Incubation and grazing effects on spirotrich ciliate diversity inferred from molecular analyses of microcosm experiments.

Grattepanche, J.-D, *Juarez, D., *Wood, C., McManus, G. B., and Katz, L. A.

PLoS One 14(5):e0215872. IF 3.752


PhyloToL: A taxon/gene-rich phylogenomic pipeline to explore genome evolution of diverse eukaryotes.

Cerón-Romero M. A., Maurer-Alcalá, X. X., Grattepanche, J.-D., Yan, Y., Fonseca, M. M., Katz, L. A.

Molecular Biology and Evolution 36(8):1831-1842, IF 8.8


Seed bank and seasonal patterns of eukaryotic SAR (Stramenopila, Alveolata, Rhizaria) clade in a New England vernal pool.

*Sisson C., *Gulla-Devaney B., Katz L. A. and Grattepanche, J.-D.

Journal of Plankton Research 40(4):376-390. IF 2.209


Microbial diversity in the eukaryotic SAR clade: Illuminating the darkness between morphology and molecular data.

Grattepanche, J.-D., Walker, L. M., Ott, B. M., Paim, D. L., Delwiche, C. F., Lane, C. E. and Katz, L.A.

BioEssays 40(4):1700198. IF 4.653


Distribution of Abundant and Active Planktonic Ciliates in Coastal and Slope Waters Off New England.

Tucker, S. J., McManus, G. B., Katz, L. A. and Grattepanche J.-D.

Front. Microbiol. 8:2178. IF 6.064


Rapid turnover of ciliate community member in New England Tide Pools.

*Badger, M., Tucker, S. J., Grattepanche, J.-D. and Katz, L. A.

Aquatic Microbial Ecology 80(1):43-54. IF 1.759


Unexpected biodiversity of ciliates in marine samples taken below the photic zone

​​Grattepanche, J.-D., Santoferrara, L. F., McManus, G. B. and Katz L. A.

Molecular Ecology 25 (16), 3987-4000. IF 5.95


Patchiness of ciliate communities sampled at varying spatial scales along the New England shelf

​​Grattepanche, J.-D., McManus, G. B. and Katz, L. A.

PLoS One 11(12):e0167659. IF 3.752


Patterns and processes in protist biogeography: do molecules and morphologies give the same answers?

Santoferrara, L. F., Grattepanche, J.-D., Katz L. A. and McManus, G. B.

ISME journal 10, 1779-1790. IF 9.30


Distinct assemblage of planktonic ciliates dominates both photic and deep waters

Grattepanche, J.-D., Santoferrara, L, McManus, G. B. and Katz L. A.

Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. , 526, 1-9. IF 2.64


Diversity of diversity: conceptual and methodological differences in biodiversity estimates of eukaryotic microbes as compared to bacteria

Grattepanche, J.-D., Santoferrara, L, McManus, G. B. and Katz L. A.

Trends in Microbiology doi 10.1016/j.tim.2014.04.006. IF 8.43


Pyrosequencing for assessing diversity of eukaryotic microbes: analysis of data on marine planktonic ciliates and comparison with traditional methods

Santoferrara, L., Grattepanche, J.-D., Katz, L. A. and McManus, G. B.

Environmental Microbiology doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12380 IF 5.76.


Distribution and diversity of Oligotrich and Choreotrich ciliates assessed by morphology and by DGGE in temperate coastal waters

Grattepanche, J.-D., Santoferrara, L, *Andrade, J., *Oliverio, A. M., McManus, G. B. and Katz L. A.

Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 71(3), 211-221- doi:10.3354/ame01675 IF 2.037


Microplanktonic Community Structure in a Coastal System Relative to a Phaeocystis Bloom Inferred from Morphological and Tag Pyrosequencing Methods

Monchy, S., Grattepanche, J.-D., Breton, E., Sanciu, G., Christaki, U., Viscogliosi, E. and Sime-Ngando, T.

PLoS ONE 7(6): e39924. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039924. IF 4,092


Microzooplankton herbivory during the diatom-Phaeocystis spring succession in the eastern English Channel

Grattepanche, J.-D.,Vincent, D., Breton, E. and Christaki. U.

J. Exp. Mar Biol. Ecol. 404, 87-97. IF 2.12


Microbial food webs and metabolic state across oligotrophic waters of the Mediterranean Sea during summer

Christaki, U., Van Wambeke, F., Lefevre, D., Lagaria, A., Prieur, L., Pujo-Pay, M., Grattepanche, J.-D., Colombet, J., Psarra, S., Dolan, J. R., Sime-Ngando, T., Conan, P., Weinbauer, M. G., Moutin, T.

Biogeosciences,8, 1839-1852. IF 4,45


Lack of P-limitation of phytoplankton and heterotrophic prokaryotes in surface waters of three anticyclonic eddies in the stratified Mediterranean Sea

Tanaka, T., Thingstad, T. F., Christaki, U., Colombet, J., Cornet-Barthaux, V., Courties, C., Grattepanche, J.-D., Lagaria, A., Nedoma, J., Oriol, L., Psarra, S., Pujo-Pay, M., Van Wambeke, F.

Biogeosciences, 8, 525-538. IF 4,45


Succession of primary producers and micrograzers in a coastal ecosystem dominated by Phaeocystis globosa blooms

Grattepanche, J.-D., Breton E., Brylinski J.-M. and Christaki U.

J. Plankton Res., 33, 37-50 IF 1,61


Temporal changes of major bacterial groups and bacterial heterotrophic activity during a Phaeocystis globosa bloom in the eastern English Channel

Lamy, D., Obernosterer, I., Laghdass, M., Artigas, L. F., Breton, E., Grattepanche, J.-D., Lecuyer, E., Degros, N., Lebaron, P. and Christaki, U.

Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 58, 95-107. IF 2,19


Publications in progress


Bacterivory in aquatic environments: the current state of investigation and a promising molecular method

Grattepanche, J.-D., Gast, B. J., Sanders, R. W.


Temperature and Nutrient Influences on the balance of phototrophy and phagotrophy in a mixotrophic chrysophyte.

Chang, C.-M., Grattepanche, J.-D., Sanders, R. W.


Bacterivory in Phaeocystis antarctica and its potential triggers.

Van Kuren, A. T., Grattepanche, J.-D., Carnivale, C.B., Sanders, R. W.

To be submitted

Distribution and activity of mixotrophic flagellates along the western Antarctic peninsula.

Carnivale, C.B., Grattepanche, J.-D., Gast, R. J., Jeffrey, W. H., Sanders, R. W.

To be submitted

Protists diversity along the Antarctica peninsula during the austral winter

Grattepanche, J.-D., Gast, R. J., Jeffrey, W. H., Sanders, R. W.

In prep

The paradox of the plankton: new insights from high-throughput sequencing collected worldwide.

Grattepanche J.-D.

In prep

Protists diversity and role of mixotrophy along the Antarctica peninsula: classic and molecular assessment.

Grattepanche, J.-D., Gast, R. J., Sanders, R. W.

In prep

Microbial food web: the case of the Antarctica peninsula during low productive seasons

Grattepanche, J.-D., Gast, R. J., Jeffrey, W. H., Sanders, R. W.

In prep