Jean-David Grattepanche
JD sampling from the CTD rosette onboard the RVIB NBP (2019)


Jean-David Grattepanche


Assistant Professor of Research

Department of Biology

Temple University

Philadelphia, PA, 19122, USA

Research Topics

Spatio-temporal variability and diversity of microbes (eukaryotes and prokaryotes)

Taxonomic and functional diversity of microbes (eukaryotes and prokaryotes)

Microbial food web

Phytoplankton-microzooplankton relationship

Microbial eukaryotic populations in Antarctica

Find me on


September 2024: Teaching Genomic Biology / Genomics at Temple University.
August 2024: Paper on Subaerial Biofilms published in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
May 2024: Received BRIDGE funding from OVPR Temple University in collaboration with Bob Sanders
February 2024: Oral communication at Ocean Science Meeting 2024 (ASLO) at New Orleans, Lousiana, USA.
January 2024: Passed successfully the N5 level of Japanese Langage Proficient Test.
January 2024: Teaching Computational Genomics at Temple University.
September 2023: Associate Editor for Frontiers in Microbiology and Frontiers in Marine Sciences.
July 2023: NSF ANT grant resubmitted (2) to look at the impact of depth on microbial eukaryotes diversity and function in the Southern Ocean in contrasting seasons.
June 2023: New collaboration with Isaac Klapper and Bettina Buttaro: Subaerial biofilm (molecular and bioinformatics consultant).
May 2023: NSF DMS proposal submitted: Collaboration with Temple BioMathematician Isaac Klapper.
March 2023: Almost 300 amplicon sample dataset to look at the diversity of mixotrophs in WAP.
November 2022: officially a US citizen
October 2022: Webmaster for the Biology department at Temple University
July 2022: back from Antarctica… that was a long trip but we have a lot of samples to work on… when they will arrive
June 2022: NSF ANT grant resubmitted to look at the impact of depth on microbial eukaryotes diversity and function in the Southern Ocean in contrasting seasons.
April 2022: Prepare for the next cruise NBP22-05... leaving Philly end of the Month... for 3 weeks of quarantine... Cruise along the WAP and return in July
March 2022: Paper on Diversity of microbial eukaryotes in the Southern Ocean accepted in Frontiers Extreme Microbiology
March 2022: Paper on Foraminifera diversity published in Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology.
March 2022: Editorial for « Ciliates: Key Organisms in aquatic environments » published in Frontiers
March 2022: Oral communication at OSM2022. Diversity of microbial eukaryotes in the Southern Ocean.
June 2021: NSF ANT grant submitted to look at the impact of depth on microbial eukaryotes diversity and function in the Southern Ocean.
April 2021: received the US Antarctica service Medal
January 2021: Guest editor of a research topic for Frontiers entitled « Ciliates: Key Organisms in aquatic environments »


  • Submitted
  • NSF DMS Transport Processes in Microbial Sea Ice.
    PI Isaac Klapper, Co-PIs Bob Sanders and JD Grattepanche.

  • NSF ANT Diversity and function of microbial eukaryotic populations across depths in the Southern Ocean
    PI JD Grattepanche, Co-PIs Bob Sanders (Temple).

  • In Progress
Jean-David Grattepanche and Laura Katz on the deck of the R/V Cape Hatters (2012) JD and Laura Katz on the deck of the R/V Cape Hatters (2012)
Jean-David Grattepanche, Chris Carnivale and Bob Sanders on the deck of the RVBI Nathaniel B. Palmer (2022) Bob Sanders, JD Grattepanche, and Chris Carnivale on the deck of the RVBI Nathaniel B. Palmer (NBP2206 / 2022)
  • Completed
  • 2018-2023 -Diversity and ecological impacts of Antarctic mixotrophic phytoplankton (NSF US).
    PI Bob Sanders (Temple), Co-PIs Becky GAST (WHOI) and Wade Jeffrey (UWF).

  • 2016-2021 - The Ecological Impact of Mixotrophic Algae in a Changing Arctic Marine Climate.
    PI Bob Sanders (Temple), Co-PIs Becky GAST (WHOI).

  • 2015-2020 - GoLife: Collaborative Research: Bringing the diverse microbial clade Stramenopila + Alveolata + Rhizaria (SAR) into a modern genomic context. (NSF US).
    Coordinator: PI Chris LANE, Co-PIs Laura A. KATZ and Chuck DELWICHE.
  • 2015 - 2017 - Diversity and dynamics of planktonic ciliates ­ what can next­ generation sequencing technologies tell us? (NSF US).
    Coordinator: Pr. Laura A. KATZ and Pr. George B. McMANUS.

  • 2012 - 2014 - Project Diversity and biogeography of marine oligotrich and choreotrich ciliates (NSF US).
    Coordinator: Pr. Laura A. KATZ and Pr. George B. McMANUS.

  • 2011 - Project IMMERSE (CNRS EC2CO): Diversity and seasonal variability of heterotrophic eukaryotic communities in a productive marine environment (Eastern English Channel).
    Coordinator: Pr Urania CHRISTAKI

  • 2011 - Project ICCARE (Région Nord-Pas de Calais): Impact des Changements Climatiques et Anthropiques sur la biodiversité des pRotistes des Ecosystèmes côtiers.
    Coordinator: Pr Sébastien LEFEBVRE

  • 2010 - 2011 ANR DREP: Diversity & roles of eumycetes in the pelagial.
    Coordinator: DR Télesphore SIME-NGANDO

  • 2010 - 2011 - Project BOUM (SESAME): Biogeochemistry from the Oligotrophic to Ultraoligotrophic Mediterranean.
    Coordinator: Dr. Thierry MOUTIN.


Pr. Robert W. Sanders

Mixotrophy in polar environment

Dr. Becky J. Gast

Mixotrophy and flow cytometry

Pr. Wade Jeffrey

Bacterial production and diversity, and UV

Pr. Laura A. Katz

Evolution and Eukaryotic diversity

Pr. George B. McMANUS

Ciliates diversity and biogeography


SAR diversity

Pr. Chris LANE

SAR diversity


HTS and bioinformatics


PhD advisor, microbial trophic web

Dr. Dorothée VINCENT

Prey-predator experiments

Pr. Konstantinos Ar. KORMAS

Clone librairies construction

Dr. Sébastien MONCHY

Metagenomic analyses

the team in front of the ARSV LMG (2019) JD, Wade, Becky, Ari and the ARSV Laurence M. Gould (LMG1904 / 2019)
the team	at the palmer Station (2019) Wade, Leila, Chris, Nicole, Bob and JD at the palmer Station (NBP1910 / 2019)